Did you know nature has provided a grocery store in your own backyard? I suspect that most of the weeds you mow, spray, and pull can actually sustain you in a major crisis at worst, or supplement your fresh produce at best!
A very common briar, commonly called Greenbriar, is something Brer Rabbit loved, but we tend to hate. It is very persistent . . . very hard to kill . . . ask me how I know! But that can actually be a good thing!
The leaves, stems and roots are all edible! The stems can be cooked like asparagus, the leaves like spinach and the roots can used pounded and ground, using the gelatin as a thickener!
Another weed that is extremely common – look in YOUR backyard – is Broadleaf Plantain. This is NOT the banana-like fruit you can purchase at the store. This is a free weed that has a multitude of food and medicinal uses.
Cook the leaves like spinach, even going so far as to using it in recipes such as spinach dip or Creamed Spinach. Or add the leaves to a tossed salad. Or ground the seeds into flour. Or cook the seeds like rice.
Medicinally, plantain has so many uses that you really should cultivate it. Put it in a corner of your flower garden or vegetable garden and encourage it to grow! Used as a tea, it is an effective body detoxifier. As an ointment, it is a useful remedy for a long list of skin conditions. As a poultice, place on wounds.
We have no idea what the future holds. Hopefully, it holds nothing but rainbows and sunshine. However, just in case, I am looking into ways to survive, and even thrive, just in case we have to deal with a major, large scale national crisis. Want to join me?
Great post! I love learning about the things in nature God has given us that we, as a world, have forgotten over time. Can’t wait to learn more!