This article is part of a complete guide to preparedness - Getting Prepared, An Untrained Housewife's Guide. Everything you need to have a simple survival plan for you and your family!
It hit me in Sunday School this week. . . . How important faith is!
I thought I had covered every possible aspect of being prepared for the unexpected. But I missed one, perhaps the most important:
Living in such a way that God is able to pour blessings down from heaven.

Storms of life need spiritual preparation as much as physical preparation. (credit to Rudolf Getel on Flickr)
For example, medical preparation has been the hardest for me. Access to supplies is extremely limited. My knowledge is limited even more than that. So what am I to do if I have to deal with a major injury, cut, wound or break and can only obtain a small amount of pain medications or cannot obtain anesthesia at all? It would be difficult to create a sterile field at home. I have never studied any aspect of the medical field, beyond keeping and treating my own family for little things that did not require a doctor. So what would I do? The worry could easily take over.
Ask God!
Joshua asked God to stop the sun for a day. Elijah called down fire. Noah learned how to build a ship. There are scores of miracles recorded in Scripture. Why should we hesitate to call upon the Lord in our times of need? This is just one way to highlight our need to be spiritually prepared.
How will we feel about calling upon the Lord if we haven’t prayed in a long time? How can we know about others’ faith and miracles if we don’t read the Scriptures? How can we expect help from Him if we are not now helping His children?
If we live with faith, if we live as God has commanded us to live, we can then access Him and His aid, through our faith in Jesus Christ, and receive whatever blessing we are in need of at the moment.
Get prepared spiritually! All things are made easier by relying on God. (Not my words, His! Proverbs 3:5-6)