Did you know fall is the season to plant garlic? It is an excellent time to plant other bulbs – daffodils, crocus bulbs, etc so it’s easy to remember, when you think about it that way, to plant your garlic as well.
Planting Garlic
When you plant garlic you aren’t planting the full bulb. Break it up into individual cloves and plant each segment as it’s own plant. It is important to start with organic seed stock if you want to be sure you are growing your plants organically. And of course, the variety available through the amazing heirloom plants is unsurpassed.
Before planting, soak the garlic cloves for a few minutes in a kelp extract to help them root quickly and strongly. Garlic doesn’t like competition so space the rows 18 inches apart and to make larger heads, keep the soil loose and friable with plenty of compost and organic material added in.
Plant garlic after the first frost of fall, but before the ground is frozen solid. Plant with the pointy tip up, about 2 inches deep. Cover with mulch to provide some protection from winter temperature extremes.
Maintaining and Harvesting Garlic
Feed garlic as needed in the spring when the lettuce and other greens are also growing nicely. Keep the mulch around to smother out weeds that will compete with your garlic and diminish the bulb size. Once the leaves begin turning brown you can decrease the watering (in my area that happens automatically!) and get ready to harvest.
Dig the garlic up carefully. Use a digging fork so you don’t break open the skins of the garlic. Let them cure for a week in an airy, dark spot so the skin will toughen and then you’ll be able to store garlic by hanging it in tied or braided bundles. (Note – hardneck garlics do not store as long as softneck garlic varieties but will easily keep for several weeks.)
Organic Garlic Growers Giveaway!
Want to try your own! You can get started right now with this garlic growers giveaway brought to you by Peaceful Valley. Check out their amazing selection of organic garlic varieties. I’ve never grown a purple garlic variety yet, have you? Now is your chance! You can win:
- 1 pound of Purple Italian organic garlic seed (a “gourmet” hardneck garlic variety)
- 1 quart of our Organic Liquid Kelp (for soaking the cloves overnight before planting)
I want to try the Organic Purple Italian Garlic. I’m very interested in ‘black garlic’ and I would love to use this in my attempt to make it myself. If I accomplish said task, I want to use it to make garlic jelly. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have been wanting to try the hardneck and the organic shallots. I was doing garden cleanup and actually found one of my elephant varieties still growing. I have never grown garlic before and thought the one had died… so this is all experimental and a learning process… Thanks for the giveaway…..
I would love to try any of them! I’ve never grown garlic, so this giveaway would be fun for our family.
Organic Garlic, German Red looks wonderful!! Thanks for having such a nice blog!
I’m following Untrained Housewife on Pinterest.
I don’t know beans about garlic but I would like to try “Organic Garlic, Purple Italian” bc it’s pretty. Good a reason as any, right? : ) thanks!
The elephant garlic looks awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
This is our first year growing garlic and, I admit, I simply picked up some bulbs from the grocery store. I’d much rather grow a truly organic garlic. We live in Wisconsin so I think I’d like to try the German Red Organic Garlic.
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I am following you on Pinterest. We want to try your teepee cupcakes from the Thanksgiving board. 😀
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I would love to try any garlic. It is on my list of things to try growing.
I would love to try the Purple Italian and the German Red.
Glad this contest came up otherwise I would not of known you.
We have garlic growing in our hydroponic table now and I have a bunch of seed garlic, but I would LOVE some of their shallot seed!
I would try the garlic combo pack. It has a selection of the different bulbs they carry and I would like to try them side by side to see the actual difference and find out which ones may grow better for me.
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I like them all but if I had to choose, I would try the German Red.
I want to try the music garlic since that seems to be what everyone raves about.
The organic purple glazer looks great.
oh i’d love to try all of them but if i was narrowing it down; Siberian, Russian red, and purple glazer.
but really how can you go wrong with garlic!
I do plant garlic but never tried organic… would love to try it.
I would try the garlic combo pack! I’m stuck with whatever our local grocery store has when I buy garlic right now. It would be nice to try out different varieties side by side – maybe a roasted garlic cook-off! YUM! Hubby is the actual gardener in our family – but he is up for whatever I ask him to grow and he knows how much I love garlic!
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I haven’t grown garlic yet (although I did stick a couple of gloves in my herb container recently) so I think I’d do the combo back so I can figure out which variety would do best here.
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I planted my Purple Italian yesterday. I love this garlic, but would love to try Metcchi. I did not have Kelp to soak them in, but I do have room to plant another row if I should win.
I think I would like to try the Russian Red or the Purple Glazer. I think these would be wonderful and my daughter and I can use them in our coking fun days.
I hadn’t heard about the kelp extract tip. That’s a good one to know! Thanks for sharing this. I keep meaning to do garlic in our garden and never get to it. Next year!
I love garlic and use it medicinally as well as because I love the flavor! It would be hard to choose one variety to try, so I think I’d like the combo pack, but any of the purple or red varieties would be fun – the purple Italian or purple glazer perhaps.
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Wow, didn’t know there were so many types of Garlic. The video was great very informitive, thank you for suggesting it. Just starting out so your suggestion or choice of garlic would be great. I love garlic would love to learn of different ways to use it.
I would love to try the purple glazer. Thank You
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I would like the purple Italian!
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I would love to try the shallot seed!
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I follow you on Facebook and I love love Garlic!!!
I grow garlic-but I have never grew the purple kind-sounds interesting!
Organic Garlic, Spanish Roja would be my pick. I tried this at a garlic festival and it tasted wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway.
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would love to try any of the garlic’ s, have never tried growing it but my family eats a lot of it. Also liked the 2 sites on facebook
I have inherited my grandfather’s garden plot/orchard and my grandmother’s canning equipment. Grandpa’s elephant garlic sprouted this month after being mowed down for about 3 years. It is elephant garlic if I remember correctly. I would like to try Italian garlic and any combination of hardneck and softneck varieties. Planning on canning lots of tomatoes and pickles next year and would love to have my own garlic. Also would like to try dehydrating garlic and making my own powder for sausage and jerky seasoning! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I’d love to try to elephant seed or the variety pack. We go through ALOT of garlic in our house.
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Organic garlic music. Please:)
The Organic Garlic, Purple Italian look interesting, But any kind would be fun to grow. I’ve only grown a few heads of White.
omg do i love garlic. i roast it. i grill it. i eat it raw. thank goodness i have a great mate lol. i love your site. i ordered the catalogs and ask a question. i would love to win Organic Garlic, Purple Italian
Conventionally Grown Garlic, California Late White
I would most want to grow the Garlic Combo Pack because I have only used regular garlic from the store and dont know what I like best. I also would love to grow the Purple Glazer becasue they are pretty and I would want to show them off to other garlic lovers telling them that I grew them myself!
I’d like to try Organic Red Russian garlic because it tolerates wet winters that we have in western WA climate.
I’d love to try any of the hardneck varieties, but the Roja and Porcelein varieties are at the top of my list. I have tried to purchase hardneck varieties locally w/ no luck. Hope to win! Thanks for offering this contest!
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I LOVE Elephant garlic but I really wanna try the Organic Purple Glazer
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the purple glazer, and spanish roja are beautiful! Bogatyr is just a fun name though 🙂
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I’d like to try the combo pack. This is my first year growing garlic. Next year I would like to try a variety.
I would like to try the organic seed garlic and the organic seed shallots.
I’d love to try the Purple Glazer, Purple Italian & the Combo Pack. We’ve grown garlic for years and would love to try some different varieties! Thanks for your generosity!
I follow untrained housewife on facebook.
The Georgian Fire looks food, but I love garlic and love to cook with it so open to try all varieties.
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I definitely want to try the elephant and possibly the Georgian Fire or maybe Siberian. I’m following on Pinterest and Facebook and subscribed to the newsletter.
This is all new to me so I would love to try whatever garlic you’d be willing to let me win. I’m open to try any! I am following you on pinterest and facebook. Thanks for the opportunity and for the information you provide. It is very interesting! Thank you!
I would love to grow purple glazer! I have some music hardneck in the garden right now.
I would like to try the Music Organic garlic. From the description and reviews it sounds like it will do well where we are and I have really, really been wanting to grow garlic and would love it to do well.
Jen VG
I think I would like to try the Russian Red organic garlic even though the Spanish Roja looks pretty good too!
I’d LOVE to try the Purple Italian and a combo pack.
I want to try the organic RUSSIAN RED!!!
French Red Shallots! I love shallots but they are so expensive. I would be honored to grow them. But incase they don’t count I would have to say Purple Glazer would be my next pick. What an awesome name!
I’d like to try the organic seed garlic and the organic siberian garlic the most, but I’d love to grow any of them! <3
I would love to try the organic music garlic!
I would love to try Organic Bogatyr Garlic Seed. I love the color that it is.
I am thinking the combo pack. So alittle of all. I really would lilke to try the red shallots.
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Id love to win the purple garlic. Ive never grown garlic before and I do a vegetable garden every year
Just liked your FB page:) Thanks to link from Homestead Survival.
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I would like to try: California Late White; elephant; as well as purple Italian. The shallots look appealing as well.
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i really haven’t grown garlic as of yet! so i guess a combo pack is what i like to start with and try.;)
Any of the Hardneck varieties of garlic, specifically the Combo Pack, would be an excellent addition in my school’s food pantry garden!
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I think i would try three types. i only have a couple of raised beds, but i had planned on garlic in one entire bed this year. So… Purple Italian-Organic and maybe Georgian Fire. I like spicy garlic, but i have never had a garlic i didn’t like! I am Italian, and my mom put garlic in a lot of food, as do I!
I would love to win the garlic! 🙂
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Linda Micciche
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I’d like to try the Elephant and the Russian red garlic
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And I would love to try the spanish Roja and the siberian garlic.. It was hard to choose because I would take them all..lol
I would like to grow the Spanish Roja and the Russian Red Organic Garlic. I am a backyard gardener and farmer, but I have never grown garlic successfully. I follow on FB as well as Pinterest. I am subscribed to your newsletters. Thanks!
I’d love to try the elephant garlic and the french red shallots!!! Yummy!!!
I think I would love to try Bogatyr for my husband, since it is so spicy. I think for me, it would be the sampler pack, so I can try new kinds!
As for the extra chances- I have subscribed to the newsletter, followed on Pinterest, and liked both pages on Facebook. Yay! New helpful sites!
I would like to try the Georgian Fire…….says it is good is salsa and I love homemade salsa!
Oh, the purple glazer and music varieties, hands down! I’ve never grown a purple garlic, would love to try that :o)
I would love to try the Metechi because it is super strong and I LOOOOOVE garlic!
Would like to try them all to compare, but the purple glazer looks good.
I’d love to try Spanish Rioja and German Res Varieties 🙂
I LOVE garlic and I must say I was surprised to learn of how many varieties there are … WOW!!
It’s pretty hard to pick just one or two … but for starters I’d like to try the Spanish Roja or the Georgian Fire. Thank you 🙂
I am having to change my diet due to health problems. one of the things doctors are encouraging me to eat is raw garlic. i love garlic to begin with, and am going to try fermenting them! the georgia fire, and the music garlic sound like wonderful ones to try! i am in the process of planting my fall bulbs too so this would be perfect timing! the fire and music variety recieved 5 stars each so i would love to try them!
I’d like to try the German Red. I’ve never heard of it before, but it looks good! Also signed up for the newsletter. Thanx!
I want to try the elephant garlic & the purple italian
Music garlic is the one I am most interested in trying as we like the bigger cloves. Red Russian would be a second choice for me though I do enjoy being able to braid the garlic so a soft neck garlic is preferred.
Can you eat the tops of just the soft necks or all tops of all garlic? I have seen chive flowers in salads, but can you do the same with garlic?
Would totally LOVe to try the Music, Spanish Roja, and all of the shallots!!!
I just checked out your Pinterest. Love it! Am following all your boards and starting to repin some ideas. <3
By the way I am Technique Junkie on Pinterest just so you know.
is following on facebook. Garlic Combo Pack FP600
I would love to try either the Purple Glazer or the Purple Italian Organic Garlic. I’ve grown garlic before…many years ago,so I think there are many new ones to experience now.
Peaceful Valley’s video was very informative…thank you! I’m very inspired to grow garlic now.
I’d like to try 3 varieties: Organic Garlic, Music, Organic Garlic Fire & the Organic Garlic, Bogatyr.
Our family loves garlic! 🙂
I signed up for your newsletter (email) and am really looking forward to reading it.
I love your website by the way. It is really easy to navigate and the look is nice as well. Not so busy I want to leave before I’ve looked around like some are. Great job…and love the info too.
I want to try to Organic Spanish Roja Garlic and the Organic French Red Shallots the most, but I’d love to try them all!
Oh I want to try them ALL, I LOVE Garlic lol but first I would like to try to grow Elephant Garlic, Organic Shallots, French Red Shallots, Purple Garlic, Russian Red and Spanish Roja 🙂
Last but not least am now a fan on FB. See you on the wall! (Patty Fitch Hicks on FB)
I would like to try them all!! Too ambitious, I know. I have never grown any garlic, but would love to. I currently buy it from a local organic farm, but would rather grow it myself.
I’ve grown the soft neck kind and am looking forward to trying to grow elephant garlic.
following peaceful valley on facebook as well now thank you!
Purple Glazer would be my pick! Garlic is very nutritious.
The Georgian Fire sounds great. I like a garlic with a little heat 🙂
I’d like to try the Georgian Fire Organic Garlic because it’s a strong flavored garlic, has large cloves, and it has a good review from someone who also has raised beds.
I love the idea of the combo pack with the different garlic varities. We just moved to the Mid-West last year and I had my first real garden this past summer. Have not yet tried growing garlic but my whole family is addicted to garlic!! Would love to win your purple garlic prize package, but I’m not even sure if I’ve entered!! Here’s hoping! lol
We planted our first garlic a few weeks ago, but I’d really like to try shallots sometime.
I’d love to get some more softneck garlic – it is terrific for braiding for storage (Early California or Spanish White either one look like good options). French Red Shallots would also be wonderful – I love growing shallots because they multiply so rapidly, even if you plant late you can still get a good crop from them, and they make a good fresh winter crop as well.
Liked both pages on facebook as well.
Organic Garlic Purple Glazer and Organic Garlic Music ,or any of them really, I love garlic
Organic Purple Italian garlic!!!
The Organic Purple Glazier looks good for Michigan winters. The Russian Red seems hearty and complex tasting also. Thanks for this opportunity. We love garlic!
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I look forward to your newsletters and following you on Facebook and Pinterest. In our kitchen we have a motto “you can never use to much garlic!”
I would love to try the Spanish Roja and the french red shallots…for starters!
Thank you for all the hard work you have put into your website!
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I am interested in the Russian varieties — Russian Red and Siberian. We have long, cold winters here, and I hope they would survive better.
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Hi, I’d really like to try to grow the Purple Italian Garlic, and the French Red Shallot Garlic. I have a Question that I saw someone else had asked too, but not sure if there was a response. Can you eat the stalks and blooms as well as the garlic bulbs themselves?
I’d love to try them all, but especially the elephant garlic as I’ve never had it before.
I want to try to grow elephant garlic. I cook with garlic all the time and would be much easier to have it right their in the garden then go to the store and buy it..
I am defiantly interested in Elephant, California Early White, Purple Italian, Russian Red and the French Red Shallots. Planting and growing garlic is a new venture I am learning because garlic has always been my go to when I feel like I am starting to get sick or feel the need for comfort food. My dad used to always make us kids “garlic sandwiches.” Only ever using fresh white bread, parsley, butter and fresh pressed raw garlic and we would all enjoy the sandwich knowing that the cold or flu wouldn’t touch us. As an adult I still can’t help but enjoy those wonderful sandwiches.. So here’s hoping I get the wonderful opportunity to test some of this delicious garlic!!
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Hardneck-seed and elephant garlic, shallots, organic tomato Valencia, organic tomato old German.
I would be interested in trying the Georgian Fire, I live in Georgia and thats one I’ve never heard of before! Also the shallots! I love shallots! I’ve never grown garlic but I love to garden and can’t wait to try growing them!
I love everything Garlic, would love to try the Purple Garlic, Russian Red.
I love to roast garlic and spread it on just about everything! I would like to try all of the garlic types shown, but i suppose the elephant garlic would be my first choice so there is plenty to roast and go around! 🙂
I have heard great things about the Elephant Garlic and I want to try it.
I like Conventionally Grown Garlic, California Late White
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I would like to try a variety
I meet my wonderful friend Bradley, over a basket of purple garlic. I would love to grow any purple garlic or better yet, the garlic combo pack so my grandparents and family can enjoy different varieties and of course the health benefits. My overall goal is black garlic. Garlic IS the wonder drug.
I would love to try the Russian Red Garlic. It sounds delicious! If we have a rainy winter here in SoCal, the soil will be boggy, and the Russian Red sounds like it will do just fine. Delighted to be following you on facebook, and receiving the Untrained Housewife newsletter as well!
I follow on Pinterest! Thank you! 🙂
I would love to try the Elephant Garlic.
I would like to try the Elephant Seed Garlic for sure. It looks like it would be a better fit for our family. I watched the 3 minute video about growing garlic and am surprised about the length of time it takes to grow garlic out of a scape bulbs that you cut off with the scape itself. It said it takes 2 years or so to get something to grow from them but for long term storage options in a survival situation where you need all the seeds you can get that grow from Heirloom seeds, this sounds like a good option to have saved up. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to enter this give away. Have a blessed day.
Organic Garlic, Purple Glazer is my choice to try. I grow the little chive, I guess it is time to try something a little bit bigger. I signed up for the newsletter and requested a catalog!!!! Looking forward to looking at it and making my choices this winter!!!! Thank you!
OOPS forgot to put in where!!!! 🙂
I love garlic. I’m Italian, sooooo. I used to live near Gilroy, ca and loved the smell. I’ve never grown garlic before, but I am planning on growing some now. I would love the red ones as I have never seen them before. I’m so happy to have found your site. Thank you.
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I’d love to try the Garlic Combo pack. I’m now following you on pinterest as well, thank you!!
Following the Untrained Housewife on Pinterest.
You can never have enough garlic…
I would love to try the Garlic Combo Pack. We use tons of fresh garlic in our house, but have not grown it ourselves yet.
Following the Untrained Housewife on face book now.
Garlic combo pack! Why not try as much variety as possible! my husband would love this! Thanks! 🙂
I’ve subscribed to Untrained Housewife’s Newsletter, even though I am not a housewife. Your website is very interrsting and helpful and can still apply to singles 🙂 Love it!
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I would like to try Music.
I would like to try the Purple Italian and the Elephant garlic. Yum.
I would love the chance to win the Organic Purple Italian Garlic!! Garlic is an amazing beautiful plant! yummy
I grew garlic for the first time this year, and it grew ok, I was hoping it would be larger, but, I have homegrown gahlick!!!!
I would love to win organic garlic!
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I have tried to grow garlic once before and failed. When I tried to find organic garlic locally this fall, my garden shop had sold out and their supplier had none left.
I want to try the elephant and russian red varieties.
Also want to plant my onions this fall.
My family loves garlic! My daughter asks for raw garlic sandwiches on toast when she gets home! The elephant seed garlic looks awesome! We would love to try it! I have followed you on pintrest and facebook as welll. Thank you for having such an awesome contest!
I’d love to try all of the garlic but am really interested in the purple garlic. I use garlic at almost every meal. I’ve never grown garlic and it would be a great addition to my garden.
As a garlic fiend, I want to try them all! Thanks for the great info.
Humm… you seem to have a interesting selection of garlic, georgian fire sounds like a pretty intense garlic… always in for something like that… Ive have always been very comftable with purple garlics though… the color just adds depth to it in my opinion…. i saw a comment that mentioned black garlic…. very very interesting… keep up the good work… sighned up for the newsletter so i guess i get to check out what you all are about…
The elephant garlic looks GREAT! Thanks for the giveaway!
OOoooh, the Shallots are calling my name! I would also like to grow the garlic combo pack so I can try the differences in growing capability and taste! I am really excited that you have turned me on to 2 great websites and given entry to a contest as well!! How exciting! My garden awaits!
Misty Goldberg
I had no idea there were so many varieties of garlic! I would definitely have to try the combo pack to see what I liked best.
Purple sounds good. I am planning to make a spot in my garden for all purple vegetables and flowers. Purple garlic would look mighty good in the spot.
I would love to try the Organic Garlic, Russian Red & Organic Garlic, Music & Purple Italian organic garlic seed … OK let be serious I want to try them all!!!
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I have subscribed to your news letter. Looking forward to your gardening tips.
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I planted my first ever crop of garlic in mid October, as here in the NY Catskills that seems to be the normal time. I’m glad I watched the video, however, as I need to mulch mine. I’d love to try Music and Russian Red – if it isn’t too late I have another garden bed readied for Spring that I could tuck these babies in for the winter – you can never have too much garlic 😉
Okay I did it all liked both pages on fb followed on pinster signed up for news letter and follow on twitter and everything else. I would like to try any of the garlic’s right now I have some chesapke red growing. I tend to like the hard necks this is my second year growing garlic. I also like garlics with heat even when cooked.Thank you for the opportunity. I like the pages.
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I’ve grown music garlic and love it as much for it’s name as for it’s flavor. I would love to also try the
organic bogatyr garlic. I have a little homestead in Northern PA and need hardier, cold tolerant bulbs. Not too mention the spicy factor! The organic purple glazer garlic also has such a romantic name and it’s hardiness is a plus. Lastly I would love to grow the organic purple Italian garlic. It’s sweeter, more mild nature is perfect when cooking for my children or giving them raw garlic medicinally.
Amazing you make it look so simple i cant wait to try these different Garlic’s. I love Garlic and so does my family and use it in every thing. I have never grown my own but i think i may give it a try. I got more information from this on how too then any where else. Thank You.
I just signed up for the gardening and animal newsletters, as they seem most likely to be of use. As a widow of 58 with no kids, but planning a small homestead with a friend in the near future I can see myself reading these very carefully 😉
I would like to try the purple Italian. I have just recently started growing garlic and have never tried using the kelp. Can’t wait to check out the site and get more variety to grow!
*******I would like to try all of them, first starting with organic purple Italian!
The Organic Purple Italian would be interesting to try. Thank You
I would like to try the Georgian fire and the Metiche varieties. They look great~ It has been a long time since I had garlic and am ready to try it here at my new place.
I liked your page on FaceBook I’ve never grown garlic and have been wanting to try. Since this is all new to me I’ll let you pick what you think would be best. I’d like a soft neck, organic verity that would grow well in the mid west.
Thanks for all the wonderful information.
I would love to try the organic purple garlic. I have never tried it before & would love to give it a try.
I want to try the Organic German Red garlic!
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Organic Music Garlic Seed, sounds very interesting to me, as in the spicy side advertised..
and that it has large wedges,, sounds very yummy for all my dishes,
also the Purple Italian.. the sweetness for my pasta gravy..
Bring it on i wanna win,,,,
I would love to try the purple garlic! I have been wanting to grow my own garlic. 🙂
I would like to try the Organic garlic, purple glazer.
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I would love to try the purple Italian garlic or the French Red Shallots.
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I get the newsletter which is awesome!!!
i like the combo pack so i could try alot of them plus the shallots
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I also follow Untrained Housewife and Peaceful Valley on Facebook.
Really want to try this!
i like the looks of elephant garlic!!!
I’ve grown elephant garlic in the past and I’ve been really happy with how this produces in my garden and I’d like to grow more. The scapes were delicious too!
I LOVE the elephant garlic!!! We’ve purchased it before, but I would love to try and grow it!
I think I’d really like to try the Garlic combo pack. Went to my first garlic festival this year and didn’t know garlic had so much variety!
LOVE purple garlic! What a great giveaway!
I would love to try the Conventionally Grown Elephant Garlic! Thanks!
Oh I’d love to try the Spanish Roja. From what I’ve read it’s a heirloom and it is great for roasting, also want to try making compound butter with shallots and garlic. I already have a bed for shallots and it’s time to give this a try
I would love to try the Organic garlic, music.
I follow Untrained housewife on facebook!
I would like to try the Organic Georgian Fire. I like the large cloves…..have had no luck trying to grow my garlic. Gotta learn that one little secret….
I just recently started cooking with shallots and would love to learn to grow them! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Peaceful Valley website! I’m addicted and can hardly pull myself away….so much great information in one place!
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The Purple Italian organic or the elephant. I live in Fl. so not sure which would work best for our climate. However, I would love to try growing any of them as I love Garlic!!
I’d love to try the organic garlic seed!
Purple Italian looks lovely!! 🙂
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Thank you for the opportunity to win purple garlic! I am a rookie prepper who just started gardening this summer past. I have always gardened but not to the extent at which I am doing now. Garlic has always been a staple in my home, but now I recognize it not only for its uses in cooking, but also its healing remedies for cough and cold, high blood pressure , poultices for many conditions. I look forward to viewing your posts on fb and receiving your newsletters via e-mail. Once again thank you and God bless. 🙂
My wife and I eat roasted garlic cloves all the time and have found the more sharply flavored cloves tend to have the best flavor when roasted.
Most of the Italian garlics are very spicy fresh so they would do well.
We plan to grow a garlic lovers garden and plan to grow as many kinds as we can fit.
We of course use garlic in all our Cooking as well and go through probably 4 to six whole heads a week. We live iniddle GA zone 7B right
On the edge of 8A. We have five acres and at least an acre will be for growing food.
I would try the garlic combo pack. I tried to grow garlic last year & didn’t have much success. I am a newbie to Oregon & have raised beds for my garden. So, I have been reading up on what to plant together and when. Thank for your consideration.
I add garlic to nearly every dish I cook. : ) I think it is time to add some to my garden. Since garlic appears to like heavy soil, I would like to give the California Early White softnecks, Russian Red, and Purple Italian hardnecks along the side of my compost pile. It would be interesting to see what flavors develop!
After looking at all the wonderful varieties of garlic on peaceful valley website I think I like the organic purple Italian garlic. Thanks for leading me to this website.
I would love to plant anyone of these beauties!!! Thanks for this opportunity 🙂
They all look wonderful! But if I HAD to choose, I find myself drawn to the Organic Russian Red or Siberian. Tx!
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elephant garlic would love to try it !!
Garlic combo pack. We are huge garlic users and that would be perfect for us!
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I would like to try the shallots.
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The Organic German Red looks like something I would like to try. I’m growing my 1st herb garden and I’m attempting one garlic plant just to see how it turns out. This would be a great addition to that garden.
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Elephant garlic, softnesck garlic and had neck Here in Oregon
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I would love to try some Organic Russian Red. Looks yummy!!
Would love to try the Italian hardneck or the elephant garlic. Didn’t know you could grow in the winter. I have these wonderful raised beds that my husband built that will be perfect for this. Thanks
I never knew there were so many varieties of garlic! I would love to try the purple italian! Oooo and so many others!
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Love your Pinterest boards. Following a bunch of those.
Currently grow softneck garlic. Would really like trying hardneck kinds.
Your my newest Facebook buddy 🙂
Mandatory Entry: Check out Peaceful Valley’s Organic Seed Garlic selections and tell me in the comments which types you want to try- (They all look wonderful and any would do, I have to go with Siberian & Russian Red CHECK…. Watch video-CHECK….. Be subscribed to Untrained Housewife’s Newsletter-CHECK….. Follow Untrained Housewife and Peaceful Valley on Facebook as well-CHECK…. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.
I would love to try the shallots. We grow onions and leeks, but I just love the distinct taste of shallots – so versatile.
German Red, since my 85 year old father-in-law thinks he grows the best garlic and would like to show him us young whippersnappers can put out some potent garlic as well. Thanks!
I’d like to try the Music!
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I’d like to try the Music variety, purely for the name. All of the purples and reds are gorgeous, though, and I wouldn’t turn my nose up at any of them!
And followed on Pinterest as well. 🙂
LOVE LOVE LOVE garlic! use it on or in everything. No need to use salt or pepper anymore! And nothing beats fresh garlic. elephant garlic us my favourite, especially roasted. I want to try the georgian fire and the purlple glazer.
I’d love to try the Purple Italian!
I love garlic in everything. I would love to try the variety pack so I could grow all the different types for different things. i use garlic not only in my cooking but also in my medicinals and wicca. So having lots of garlic around is a great thing.
I would love to try the Porcelain Hardneck Garlic Seed Organic Purple Italian Garlic Seed because I cook a lot of Italian/Mediterranean foods and my whole family loves garlic scapes.
Elephant seed garlic
I would love to try the Georgian fire!
Just ran accross your website earlier today 🙂 Will be checking it out along with a couple of other sites I check on a regular basis.
As for which garlic to pick? I’ve only had the type they have in the grocery stores so I would be excited to try something different!
Organic Garlic, Music
I would like to try the purple Itialian.
New to growing garlic, so would be interested in trying them all. I understand that if you grow garlic around your home just a few in the flowerbeds you wouldn’t have any bugs, don’t know if it’s true or not, but thought it was interesting. I already use bought minced garlic in a lot of my cooking. And these garlics are new to me I’ve never heard of them. So I am extremely interested in trying to grow them. Thankyou for this opertunity.
The Georgian Fire sounds appealing. I bet it’s got a good kick to it!
Purple Italian sounds great. I will have to try the variaty…love dhoices!
I would love to have elephant garlic to plant and eat. We used to have garlic along our privacy fence and it was sure helpful in a lot of ways, we always had fresh garlic, here, a rent house, we do not have as good luck with masses of plantings so we use 30 gallon pots and enhanced soils. the garlic we grew was smallish and lots of work, so it would be nice to have larger segments to work with!!
Would love to grow different varieties of garlic. We grow a lot of our own food.
I would like to try the variety pack to see what would grow best in my climate. Thanks for the give away!
I would love to try the Russian Red but the purple one is great … I always call it the Italian breath mint..Love most all garlic except for the elephant one its too mild….
I love garlic! This year I got my family to try growing it as well. Going to try to grow as many varieties between all of us as we can. Would like to try the Organic Metechi or the Spanish White.
I would love to try the Purple Glazer. I see it comes from Canada. I live in Michigan so I’m thinking it would like my winters! I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE baked/roasted garlic. It’s so nice to cook it and then spread a clove on some delicious homemade rolls/bread!
if i have to choose just one, it would be the variety pack. always wanted my own garlic and ready to start some plants inside.
I’d love to try the Spanish Roja or the variety pack to taste a little bit of everything. I’m a garlic fan, and haven’t been able to get my garlic plants to grow more than stalks.
I want to try a purple garlic, and for my zone, I think either the Italian purple, or the organic purple glazer would be great. I want to use them in cooking, especially roasted garlic. Also some herbal medicines use garlic, and I would like to grow my own. Thanks!
I would love to try the elephant garlic. I have heard it grows well in our area. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would like to try the Georgian Fire variety.
I would like to try Music. I work with at risk youth 16-24 and I think starting them on their own grown, not overly spicy, richly flavored garlic would catch their interest in cooking for themselves far more than a store bought brand.
Organic Garlic, Music = It has such lovely large cloves . I would love to try growing Garlic . I love roasting Garlic with alittle olive oil . I promise to still buy from my local farmers market for my other produce though . LOL = )
I would want to try the purple Italian since that is what the contest is for 🙂
Hi! I think I’d like to try to grow the shallots!! I’ve just tried to plant garlic for he first time and I am soooo excited I already can’t wait for spring! Considering it hasn’t snowed yet I’ve got a wait! I planted a few onions for the first time last summer and we loved them. I just realized how many I’m going to have to plant next year! Thanks for your consideration. Happy planting!
The Organic California Early White sounds good for a first try here in NE Florida.
Any though would be delish I’m sure.
I would like to try the sample pack so I could try them all! lovvve garlic and all its health properties 😀 However, since I have to pick one I would want to try the purple glazer because it’s pretty 🙂
Garlic is the thing I want to try to grow this year. Time to read up on garlic varieties so I can pick one!
Following on Pinterest, and FB.
German red looks good, and I’d love to add garlic growing into our new green house at our Homstead this year. Thank you for the opportunity!
I would love to try the elephant garlic!
I liked the Untrained Housewife and Peaceful Valley on FB. Thanks for the contest. 🙂
While my family will eat ANY garlic, anywhere, anytime, raw or cooked, well you get the idea…I would love to try the softneck Spanish. I have visions of braided garlic decorating my walls until we eat it. Of course most of the braids will be stored in the cellar, but to have so much garlic would be HEAVEN!
Elephant garlic
Like them all, so the Garlic Sampler would be best to start.
Organic Georgian Fire! That is the way I like my garlic!!!!
I’d like to try the Organic Music Hardneck variety….just because it has a cool name.
i am full blooded Pourtuguese and i was raised on garlic and venison i like purple italian best
i would like to try Purple Italian its hard to grow anything here in south florida with the bugs and extreem sun but i have a small herb garden in the screen room by the pool and ive never tried to grow garlic before o0
Any that will grow good in Nebraska.. YUM!!
I have always been a big fan of spicy garlic. I would love to try the spanish roja, german red and georgia fire.
The kind that is being given in the contest..it’s purple. I want that!
Would love to win the garlic. Thanks
I would love to try the purple garlic.I’ve never heard of soaking it in seaweed,but it sounds like a great idea. I love to cook witih garlic and do so at every opportunity. P.s. I live in Canada,will that be a problem with planting now?
Yum elephant garlic would be fun to grow!
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I would dearly love to try the Combo pack or the Organic Music. I tried to grow garlic unsuccessfuly this year and think i just chose varieties that didn’t like my conditions! I have learned the errors of my ways and so want to try again!
I wanted to try growing my own garlic. This looks like a good way to start.
I’d like to try the German Red! (Honestly, the combo pack!) I LOVE Garlic!!!
I would like to try the Purple Italian and/or the Purple Glazer. I love garlic and eat it almost every day!
The Music variety sounds great for cooking! I’ll have to try it next year since it is sold out this year.
Growing garlic is easy and fun!
What a great giveaway! I never knew there were so many different kinds of garlic! I’d like to try the Garlic Combo Pack so I can try several and experiment with them in recipes. Thanks!
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I would like to try to grow elephant garlic.
So glad I found your site. I’m ready to expand my garden to include garlic and your information is perfect timing.
I would like to try Music. I would also like Organic Purple Italian Garlic Seed.
I’d like to try the Organic Garlic, Music. Thank you for having this giveaway!
I would love to try elephant seed garlic.
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Please enter me in your purple garlic contest. I only have a small garden but would love to try this. Thank you.
I would love to try the Organic Garlic Purple Glazer vairety. It looks exquisite.
Love, love, love garlic… Elephant garlic would make me happy!
I want to try the organic garlic music
I’ve just started down on the wonderful road of growing my own garlic. Last year, I tried some basics, and this year, I decided to expand. I think I’ve tried most of the types, but have yet to try any of the asiatic or turban types. However, since I don’t see any of those offered, I think I’d have to go with the Garlic combo pack – seems like a great way to get a good variety, and I would be able to get some elephant garlic and some shallots to try as well!.
I love elephant garlic.
I would like to try the elephant garlic.
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I would like to try to grow elephant garlic.
I hear that dark colored veggies have more healthy activity. Purple Italian sounds good. I love to roast garlic then have it warm with homemade Italian rolls.
I have grown the Elephant Garlic in the past but would love to try the Purple Italian Hardneck.
I would like to try elephant garlic!
I would love to try growing any strain of garlic, however, the Italian purple seems the most interesting and gourmet. Gardening and cooking are only some of my passions and I love to experiment using my own grown herbs and vegetables! This is a fantastic giveaway and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to participate 🙂
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I would like to try the Organic Purple Italian Garlic.
This is my first year planting garlic. I wanted to try Spanish Roja, but everyone was sold out. The Purple Italian also looks fantastic!
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I would love to try to grow the Organic Georgian Fire it sounds yummy and has the larger bulbs for when I do my spaghetti sauce in the fall:)
I would like to try the garlic combo pack. The last time we grew garlic I was still at my parents have not tried it here. I do love garlic though, oven roasted spread on bread makes me soooo happy. Thank you 🙂
I think the Russian Red sounds wonderful but I would be happy with any of the choices. I love garlic!
If I ordered I would get the combo pack as I have only had garlic from the store.
My husband and I are both homesteader/survivalists. Lately my health has left me doing bits and pieces around our property. I have so many intestinal infections and just recently learned that garlic swollowed hole with slenty of water twice to three times a day is wonderful for curing many infections and fugus too….which you get from taking too many antibiotics. My new plan is to start growing garlic to keep expenses down to be sure of the quality that I am putting in my body. Thanks so much for this opportunity to try some!
I would like to try the garlic variety pack.I think it would be neat to have a bunch or variety.
My children would LOVE to try to grow the elephant garlic! I would also like to try shallots. We are growing out food one meal at a time!
Music garic sounds wonderful. I should grow garlic this year. Heaven knows I bought out the farmers market everytime I went.
I would love to try the organic purple Italian garlic.
I would love to try the Purple Italian… I’ve never heard of it before, sounds interesting! 😀
I love garlic. I like your site.
Gives me GREAT ideas!
Thank you!
I would like the garlic combo pack,specifically the purple glazer.yum
I would like to try the Organic Spanish Roja because I’ve never seen that variety before! If I’m going to grow it, why not grow something I can’t get at the grocery store. 🙂
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I’m following you on Pinterest. Going to have to go back soon and look through your boards, they look very interesting!
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I would love to try Organic Purple Italian Garlic Seed. Thank You
So many varieties of organic garlic! I’d grow both a softneck, California organic, (to use later in the winter ) and a hardneck, organic Music, which sounds tasty!
So many varieties of organic garlic! I’d grow both a softneck, California organic, (to use later in the winter ) and a hardneck, organic Music, which sounds tasty! [this is my correct email, sorry!]
subscribed to Untrained Housewife’s Newsletter.
I would like the garlic combo pack.
Follow Untrained Housewife on Pinterest. @michelleshock
OOO, So many to choose from. This site is amazing! The Russian Red and Music Garlic I have never had before but would LOVE to try. And Shallots are one of my most favorite cooking ingredients, being able to grown and then eat my own would be phenomenal!
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I actually wanted to try the mix..never having tried to grow garlic before I would like to try different varieties. Happy Holidays!
The Georgian Fire would be my pick. Love garlic a lot of it
I would get the Russian red. My 8yr old has a lot of food allergies so I use garlic in a lot of recipes for some seasoning, course I do love garlic myself and would probably still use it a lot even if we didn’t have to worry about food allergies. Yum!
I would love to try the combo/mix pack, get a variety to choose from! Love garlic and grow it yearly!
I would like to try the hardneck organic metechi…it says it’s larger, stronger and hotter, and I am looking to make some cold/flu remedies for next winter…stronger and hotter would definitely make my “medicine” stronger! Besides, it’s purple…how can you go wrong?
I would love to try the red Russian. It sounds like a tough stock that would be good to grow in the north east. I never grew shallots either and that sounds good too!
It will be my first time growing garlic so what ever you think for the first time..;-)
I started my garden last summer and some plants like (tomatoes,peppers,basil,Squash,melons and pumpkins) Did great but had some trouble with (corn,cucumbers and cauliflower) I just found you and Love learning from your blogs…;-)
Thank You,
I would love to try the Organic Garlic Music, Organic Garlic Fire and the Organic Shallots, French Red!
I would love to try the Purple Italian or the Music. I have never grown garlic before but I would love to try. 🙂
The one called music sounds nice! tHAT would also be a nice name for beans!
My husband and I like the sound of the Organic Music Garlic.
Thank you!!!
I would really like to try the Organic Garlick Music because it is cold hard and has that classic garlic flavor.
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I’m buying the Organic Garlic, Purple Italian. I can’t wait to get it in dirt and mulched in. I’ve never grown garlic, and I can’t figure out for the life of me why not! I want to try the shallots too, but I’ll save that until the garlic is planted.
buy it from peaceful valley farm and garden supply at $2.50 for 1 lb
I would like to try the variety pack of garlic that has several different ones in it. Also some of your tomatoes and corn. I saw an interesting squash I would like to try also. Too many to pick from!!!!
I subscribed to your newsletter! Thanks!
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I am also following you on Facebook!! Love you website! Thank you! 🙂
Who won?!
The first winner I drew did not respond and I gave extra time over the holiday. Will be notifying the new winner today.
who won?!
I’ve emailed two people now and we are almost to the 48 hour mark on the second. I want to give winners a chance to respond before drawing a new name so I will reselct a new winner this evening around 6pm central if I haven’t heard back from Catie at that time.
today I got the Garlic combo pack but I would like more of the purple italian Garlic.
thank you!
who has now won?!
I’ve sent the next winner an email and they will have 48 hours to respond.
I now follow peaceful valleyfarm & garden supply on FB
I have been dying to try other garlic varities !
I forgot to mention that I do follow on FB and on pintrest
I love trying new and different plants each year. I think the purple garlic would be interesting and would go good with the purple tomatoes.
Well, elephant garlic, Russian red garlic and Purple Italian garlic all look like varieties I would just love to try. I made the mistake of planting entire bulbs (what a doofus) and now in spring some are coming up. I really do not know when to harvest them! I feel like I need to start again. Thoughts? Thanks for the wonderful article.
HArvest them when the foliage turns yellow. I totally did exactly the same thing as you our first year. LIVE AND LEARN. 🙂