Pursuit of Proverbs 31 – A timeless, biblical study for the modern Christian woman.
By Amy Bayliss
145 pages
Available in ebook, kindle and nook format at AmyBayliss.com.
I have to admit that this book surprised me. After reading the description of the book without ever actually starting the book itself, I became very interested in what it was going to be about. It intrigued me from the beginning, before I ever even started reading. That in itself, regardless of content, is good.
As a busy mom of three small children, my reading moments are usually found in tiny snippets of time. I like to read books that have small bits of material that can be read quickly. For the most part, this book fit that bill, but a few chapters were a bit lengthy for my liking. This is just my opinion, my own personal preference.
Although I did not agree 100% with everything that Amy discussed, I must admit that I honestly can’t say that there was anything I disliked about the book.
I appreciate and respect the fact that she not only gave scripture throughout the book to back up the beliefs that she was conveying, but also encouraged the reader to not simply take her word for it but rather read and research for themselves.
As I started reading, I found my thoughts wandering and my focus drifting. I found myself thinking that this was just going to be another one of those Proverbs 31 books. I wasn’t sure that I liked it.
Somewhere along the way, it grasped my attention. I can’t say for sure where or what it was that lured me back, but somewhere, it did.
By the end of the book, I found myself wanting to visit Amy’s website. I wanted to learn more about her. She had inspired me, but not in the usual Proverbs 31 kind-of-way.
There was something about her words that I found different. The chapters were more than just a mere how-to guide for Christian women, a roadmap for what the perfect Christian woman should do, or a list of attributes and exercises that would make you more Christ-like than the next. It didn’t scold women for not living up to the Proverbs 31 principles or make promises of peace for simply following these guidelines. It was nothing like that. It was much more than that.
Amy’s words conveyed sincerity without self-righteousness, something that, unfortunately, can be hard to find among Christian women today.
In addition to the typical homemaking tips, she also discusses ways to have your own ministry, ways to help those around you with what you have and where you are. She discusses her own journeys and ministries, her doubts and fears, and her successes and triumphs.
Maybe you need Christian guidance, maybe you don’t. Regardless, there are tips and stories scattered throughout the book that are sure to inspire anyone.