I don’t feel good right now. I’m tired and as it is that “time of the month” again….I am hurting. I guess my body is just making up for the fact that last month was so painless…..making up for it with a VENGENCE. And as a result I am nausiated and unable to sleep. GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to mention picking fights with poor Sidney and driving him away when I need him the most.
Why do us girls always do that?
Angela <><
AngEngland says
From: mythrilwyrm
Date: February 10th, 2004 05:03 am (UTC)
Feel free to slap me for this
Why do us girls always do that?
Because, contrary to popular belief, men don’t have a monopoly on stupidity.
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From: nsu_ra
Date: February 10th, 2004 07:46 am (UTC)
Because we’re stupid and moody sometimes, and we hate ourselves for being stupid and moody, so we take it out on anything and everything around us … usually the one thing/person who can help us feel better the most. I think it’s ’cause we know they’ll love us anyway and forgive our momentary lapses … which, of course, doesn’t make it right, it just makes it true.
I’m sorry, honey. I can completely relate … ::sends big hug::
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From: joyfulnoiz
Date: February 10th, 2004 02:36 pm (UTC)
I think we’re just in so much pain and under the influence of so many conflicting hormones, that it’s really difficult to be held responsible for our actions at such a time. Temporary insanity, if you will.
Well, heck…I tried anyway.
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From: faithbookqueen
Date: February 10th, 2004 07:39 pm (UTC)
Lol! Yeah well…true to all of them.
And today was no better. In fact worse….becuase instead of just FEELING nauseated….well…hehehe..yeah. I HATE months like this. Called in sick to work. I hate doing that too. If it were a job where I could just sit there and still be feeling sick it would be cool….but director Junior High and High school choirs…..not a chance. I HAVE to be better for tomorrow though becuase Deloris is out of town so I’ll have all the classes by myself.
Fun, fun.
And honestly, as QUICKLY as things are um…moving…this month I have a feelingthe worst of it will be over by this evening….seriously. *sigh*
I need some chocalate. and Disney movies. 😉
Annie <>