Winter is the perfect time to research and plan for your spring and summer vegetable garden. Coming up with a realistic plan not only saves you time and money, but it gives you peace of mind as you move forward into the warmer months.
Heirloom Seed Garden Catalogs for Backyard Farmers to Order
‘Tis the season of seed and gardening catalogs. The first hint of possible warming weather is dashed by bitter winds and flurries of snow and gardeners sink into their warm couches to dream through seed catalogs. For a backyard farmer or homesteader, heirloom seeds are preferred because of the sustainability factor, among other reasons. Here […]
Easy DIY Garden Marker Stakes
I adore garden markers and DIY label ideas, but I don’t want to invest in expensive equipment or spend twenty hours putting them together. I love these easy DIY garden labels because they repurpose leftover items, use what’s on hand, or don’t require extra equipment like metal crimpers or something. 1. Rustic Garden Markers. These […]
Seed Saving: Plant a Seedy Garden This Year
What’s all of this talk about gardening? Didn’t it just turn into winter? Well, a gardener’s work is never done. When we’re not out in the garden, we’re inside the house plotting and planning. At this time of the year, our thoughts turn to seeds and plans for the new year’s garden. If you’re […]
Assessing Your Garden and Making Plans
Plan for a successful gardening season. What vegetables will you grow this year, and how will you make sure that you get the garden produce that you need?
Garden Planning: How Much Do You Eat?
How much garden produce does your family eat? Plan the spring garden in a few easy steps.