Sometimes, homeschooling can be a challenge. I recently discovered that my child’s learning style was very different from mine. During this time I had a few homeschooling epiphanies, one being that it is very possible to receive a cookie-cutter education at home. I knew this because that’s what I had been providing. One of the […]
Homeschool How-To: 6 Tips for Kinesthetic Learners
After having a bit of a homeschool struggle, I discovered that my son was a kinesthetic leaner. I made a few simple changes to our regular school routine to better help him understand the concepts I was trying to teach him. Here are a few tricks that I have learned so far. I try to […]
Homeschool How-To: Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
Learning what your child’s learning style is will help cut down on your stress and help them retain everything you are teaching them in school.