Summer can be especially challenging for kids with learning and attention issues because of the change in routine, new social situations, and unusual environments. That’s why resources like can be so helpful!
Simplify Morning Chore Routines With #ARMandHAMMER ($100 Giveaway)
With five kids, you can imagine that our mornings aren’t exactly boring. Or smooth, most days. Certain things have to be done on a regular basis, like laundry, morning getting-ready routines, dishes, etc. Just getting five kids in and out of the bathroom for brushing teeth, while trying to prep breakfast and start laundry can […]
We Work Our Shower Overtime – Waterpik Powerspray With $100 Giveaway!
Five kids + twenty chickens + two dogs + Oklahoma dirt = we give our shower a full-time working out. There’s no denying that we know how to make messes. The first thing we did when we remodeled the bathroom was to install a real bathtub, a large one, with a hand-held shower head. Our […]
Planning Your School Rather than Detailing Your Day
One of the great temptations for new home educators is to bring a traditional, assembly line, children-stuck-at-desks, seven-subjects-each-day-in-50-minute-increments approach to their home education. That approach is not working very well for the schools and their students, so why would we bring it into our homes with our children? Sometimes, we are tempted to do that […]
Pros and Cons of Homeschooling Year-Round
As a veteran home school mom who began home schooling at the point of having two children, then adding several more babies, a couple major moves and all kinds of disruptions plus a thriving home based business, I have done our schooling just about every way possible. We have had a very traditional schedule as […]
How to Transition from Working Woman to Stay-at-Home Mom
Both times I went on maternity leave, I was excited. I always planned on being a stay-at-home mom when I had kids and felt like I was finally realizing my goal… until I was actually at home, with first one and then two babies to care for. I found myself wishing they would nap so […]