I know a few of you make your own laundry soap – but I just can’t. I cannot add one more thing to my list right now, or something else (like sanity) will suffer. So we did a lot of shopping around and trying out of different things and I am really enjoying the ARM […]
Simplify Morning Chore Routines With #ARMandHAMMER ($100 Giveaway)
With five kids, you can imagine that our mornings aren’t exactly boring. Or smooth, most days. Certain things have to be done on a regular basis, like laundry, morning getting-ready routines, dishes, etc. Just getting five kids in and out of the bathroom for brushing teeth, while trying to prep breakfast and start laundry can […]
The Christening Gown – Three Generations
Dreft asked us to share about that special baby outfit or kids clothing that warms your heart or you just love. Do you ever have that certain special outfit? That item of amazing adorableness or special significance? I tried not to get too attached to most of the baby clothes I had – especially with […]
Get Prepared: Washing Laundry Outside
If the power is out for very long, a few days, it becomes necessary to do some basic laundry. Maybe not the sheets and linens – they can hang out and ‘air wash.’ But the undies. A few pairs of jeans. Some t-shirts or sweatshirts. There is no doubt that we can wear our clothes […]
Seventh Generation and Dr. Seuss ask How YOU Live Like the Lorax
I’ve been busy with the Backyard Farming book and have begun an internal struggle – get it done and not drop my standards around the house too much. Laundry is a huge part of the day-to-day at our house, as you can imagine, with five kids who live like mine. Think increasing your self-sufficiency doesn’t […]
Bounce it Off Millions – Big Decision You Need to Make?
Over the past several years, I have been faced with a rather important decision to make not just once, but multiple times. What do I name my baby?! After hours of pouring over baby name books, sites, blogs, records, and my own personal lists, my hubby and I usually boil it down to two or […]
Wisk Tackles Oily Stains in This Lip Gloss Experiment
Today Wisk encouraged us to take a moment for ourselves by giving up a cute thing of lip gloss and a beautiful bath towel. I love lip gloss.
Laundry Cleaning Through the Generations – Wisk
I grew up in a quiet, suburban neighborhood in Southern California. Swimming, riding bikes and swinging on the tire swing….playing street ball with the neighborhood boys. And why not? I could throw better than any of them. My mom grew up in similar fashion – a city girl living near a golf course. My grandmother […]