Emergencies bring stress. There really is no way around that. But there are things one can do to reduce that stress and maintain morale.
Prepare Your Electronics for Bad Weather
Weather happens all year ’round. (I know, I have such a grasp for the obvious!) But with our society’s increased dependence on electronics for communication and entertainment, and even work, it is important that we take a few minutes to plan ahead for how ad weather impacts our electronic world. In all bad weather conditions, the […]
Get Your Vehicle Prepared for Bad Weather
The 2014 Snow in Atlanta was sort of a surprise. As near as I can tell, the various weather services upgraded the alert in the wee hours of the morning, so people probably were not aware of the upgrade. However, all weather sites that I have seen have up to a 10-day forecast. You can […]
The Science of Freeze Dried Foods
Food is a vital tool for human survival. And, because of this, food preservation technologies are used to prolong the life of foods. Preserving food properly is key to self-sufficient living, especially in the wake of a man-made, natural, or financial crisis. There are various methods of preservation techniques. In this article, we’ll examine the […]
Get Prepared: Insurance to Repair and Rebuild
The storm is past. The wildfire is out. But your home is gone. Now what? As always, plan ahead! Homeowner’s insurance is not very expensive, and it is common to roll the monthly premium into your mortgage payment (along with taxes – it’s called ‘escrow.’) Homeowner’s insurance can be as little as $100/month, rolled into […]
Get Prepared: Firewood
I live in the woods. I have twenty acres of woods. I have a LOT of trees! It is not uncommon for me to hear people say, “Well, you have plenty of wood in case the power is out!” That certainly appears to be the case, but the novice needs to know one very important […]
Get Prepared: In Fantasyland! Top of the Line Resources for Emergencies
I’ve been writing a series on Getting Prepared for Any Power Outage, and I remembered Lehman’s. What a great resource for purchasing tools and equipment for ‘off the grid’ living. But it is also so expensive and impractical that I will only have the perfect off-grid home in Fantasyland! Let’s dream… KITCHEN COOK STOVE Isn’t […]
Get Prepared – Get Canning Equipment
A great portion of my emergency food preparedness plans relies on my pressure canner. I can everything! Of course, I have to keep doing it because we also eat what I can . . . and that is because I hate to cook! I like the convenience of open and heat, but doing it the […]
Get Prepared – Making Pottying As Pleasant as Possible
Being without electricity for days at a time is becoming more and more common. Ice storms, tornadoes, and severe lightening strikes are part of our lives these days. Add the remote, yet not impossible, prospect of terrorist attack, labor strikes or power station shut down, and being prepared for the worst becomes a necessary reality. […]
Get Prepared – Worry About Food and Water FIRST!
What does the future hold? Hopefully sunshine and lollipops! But have you watched the news lately? While I always hope for the best (who doesn’t?) I am also preparing for the worst. At the Survival Spot, they have a list of the Top 100 Items to Disappear First During a National Disaster. Generators is number […]