Don’t you wish you had affordable short-cuts to make healthy living easier? Are you tired of trying to make a Whole Foods lifestyle work on a box store budget? I get it — I’ve heard the “As his doctor, I’m worried about how quickly your son is gaining weight” and the unexpected “You’re husband has […]
5 Simple Fermentation Starters Every Kitchen Should Have
These five fermentation starters will provide almost everything any home needs to be healthy, clean, and relatively bad-germ free!
Fast, Easy Cleaning Tips for the Kitchen
The cleaning tips below will help with some of those frustrating kitchen cleaning tasks that seem to take forever to finish.
Recipe for Natural Cleaning Bombs
These are much like bath bombs and can be used for toilets, garbage disposals, microwaves,toilets, pots, pans, sinks, baking sheets, and even dish washers.
5 Ways to Use Kool Aid to Clean Around the Homestead
These little packets have enough to fix just about nasty issue I’ve had. Here are a few of the many uses that we have found for the little chemical concoctions of citric acid and food coloring.
Homemade Hair Conditioner
This recipe can detangle even the curliest of hair and slowly restore even the most badly damaged hair.
Busy Parent’s Guide to Cleaning Baby Toys
Babies are adorable, but, let’s face it, they are messy! Of course, that may not sound like a big deal. As parents, you make sure your little one is bathed and changed regularly, right? But, what about the toys your child plays with? Are those toys bathed or changed regularly too? Probably not. Below are […]
Get Organized: Tame the Paperwork Beast
I posted a few weeks ago on my blog about taming the paperwork beast. I got lots of positive feedback about it (turns out I’m not the only one perpetually drowning in paperwork!), so I decided to do a follow up. Some of these ideas are ones I’m already doing, and some I want to implement […]
Organizing Your Cleaning Supplies
Hi there! I hope you were able to enjoy the holiday yesterday. Did anyone get any organizing and/or purging done? I got my cleaning supplies in order and also got my “junk drawer” cleaned out. What a relief they both were! Getting my cleaning supplies organized makes my combined laundry room/pantry look so much cleaner! […]
(Simple) Steps for Organizing Shoes and Jewelry
Happy New Year! Even though I’m a few days late, the year is still really new, right? I hope it’s going well for you so far- and you’re keeping your resolutions so far. *wink* One of the most common resolutions people make is “to get more organized.” But what does that exactly mean? It’s a […]
Pickup Buckets to Clear Kid Clutter for the New Year
In my house, kid clutter is the number one offender when it comes to keeping the house clean. I hate picking up my kids’ things, but I also hate to wait for them to come home from school so they can do it themselves. My solution was a pickup bucket. Basically, it is simply a […]
Comfy and Cozy With #ARMandHAMMER Laundry Plus $100 Giveaway
I know a few of you make your own laundry soap – but I just can’t. I cannot add one more thing to my list right now, or something else (like sanity) will suffer. So we did a lot of shopping around and trying out of different things and I am really enjoying the ARM […]