It is important to encourage a child’s sense of awe – and maybe rediscover it ourselves. The magic and wonder can be a great early draw into a love of gardening and science. I’ve found a collection of bloggers who know that and have some of the best ways to teach kids about seeds and the amazing ways they grow.
Top Toy Trends of 2013 for Kids – Creative Play!
Today I went on air with KXII to chat about the cool trends I see in kid’s toys this year. There are two main trends I see with the top lists and gift-giving trends this year: 1. Traditional Toys are Cool Again and 2. Parents Want Toys With Lasting Value. Note that any toy with […]
Blogging and Playing On the Go – Microsoft Windows Phone Reinvented Around Me
With five kids there is always something going on – especially now that my older ones are becoming more involved in sports, Boy Scouts, and community activities. At the same time I’m pursuing more large-scale projects for my problogging, book writing, and speaking/teaching. How do I stay connected? Well for the last month I’ve been […]
Homeschool Extra-Curricular Activities for Health Plus Giveaway!
As a homeschooling mom, it is important to me that my kids will be able to associate with other kids on a regular basis and enjoy some of the sports activities that I’m not able to coordinate at home. That’s why we’ve been involved in our local soccer league each semester – and they love […]
15 Classic Board Games for Kids
Board games are a fun, easy and inexpensive form of entertainment for children. Many board games also help children to develop a variety of important skills, such as counting, concentration, strategy and memory. Here is a list of 15 classic board games that your little ones – and perhaps the entire family – are sure […]
Keeping Kids Hydrated – Tips and Tricks
My kids have been playing sports this past year and one of the things I’ve noticed is that it is so much easier to get them to drink water when they are staying active on a regular basis. While the human body is 65% water, the human brain is 75% water – and with children’s […]
What Activities and Items Grace Your Patio or Balcony?
Our patio is in the front of our house as our backyard is overtaken by food production efforts. For us, this makes the front patio area the place for food consumption efforts. For lazy-coffee-drinking while watching the kids ride bikes (Is it bad that I’m still too chicken to let them go our by themselves […]