It’s really simple to make your own butter, especially if you have a stand mixer. I’ll show you how.
Substitute with Avocado to Make Healthier Meals
Not only is February Avocado Month – but it’s also the month after we’ve all made our New Year’s resolutions to eat better, lose weight, and improve our health. If you are still looking for more ways to make healthier meals and get more nutrients into your foods, it’s time to give the avocado a […]
Homemade Canned Apple Butter
On a recent visit to my grandmother’s house, I received a special canning request. My grandmother had a couple of apple trees that were full of ripe apples, and she wanted apple butter. Normally, my grandmother makes my family apple butter, applesauce, and canned apples, and she gives them to family members for Christmas. I […]
Bread and Butter Pickles
I’ve been wanting to make my great-grandmother’s recipe for bread and butter pickles. Her recipe takes two full days to make. I think that’s a lot of work now, so I can’t imagine how it was done before refrigeration, fancy kitchen appliances, and most of all air conditioning. I decided to do a very similar […]